
Looking for margin?

Are you juggling multiple roles or navigating change? Do you worry you’re losing yourself in taking care of others? If you’re feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or pressured, I invite you to step away from your responsibilities and take a break with me. Slow down, let go for a moment, and breathe. Check out the tools and resources here.

You don’t have to stay stuck in a never-ending cycle of working harder and harder. There’s a lighter way, a calmer, more grounded and easier rhythm.

Perhaps you’re sensing the winds of change. And strategies that have worked in the past aren’t working as well. Navigating new seasons happens slowly, over time — and often in tiny steps both backwards and forwards.

You might be surprised, as I have been, at how good it feels to lighten up and find the margin where your soul has room to breathe!

Hi, I’m Elaine!

Looking for a simpler, less overwhelmed way of living through challenges and changes?

We instinctively try to work harder, faster, and smarter as life tosses us more. And it’s tempting to think we can or should do it all — especially when we don’t slow down to notice the increasing load!

But trying harder is a sneaky, exhausting strategy. We’re not meant to do it all!

There’s a much easier way, a lighter path with margin and room for you to be yourself. I’m here to share with you strategies and tips I learned the hard way. Let’s try living lighter together!


Check out my blog

I’m a curious journalist at heart! When I find a topic that helps me live lighter and simpler, with margin to be uniquely me, I dive in so I can share it with you. You’ll find my style a bit introspective, grounded in faith and authenticity — and practical!


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My favorite places to connect with readers are Instagram and Facebook. Plus, I love sharing photos of the beautiful scenery, animals and birds of Alaska!

Latest on the Blog

If there’s one constant in life, it’s change. And if you’re not quite where you thought you would be at this stage of your life, chances are you’re exactly where you’re meant to be! I write about balancing middle adulthood roles, controlling what you can control, and finding peace and purpose in your right-now life.

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